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2023-03-16 02:08:01 技术常识4 详细解答





01. Zootopia


Zootopia是zoo 加utopia 组成。乌托邦Utopia 本意是"没有的地方"或者"好地方",延伸为理想,空想的国家。这个词语源自托马斯·莫尔的名著《乌托邦》。在他的书中,乌托邦是一个美好理想的国家,每个人都能够努力成为自己想要的样子。Zootopia,即为动物乌托邦。

02. Avatar


这个词语来自梵文avatarana,意思是“下凡”,指的是神灵降临人间的化身。电影《阿凡达》中的avatar是地球人的精神所占据并控制的外星人肉体,与印度教 中的avatar含义相差甚远。因此,电影《阿凡达》在上映之前就遭受了印度教团体的强烈抗议,声称电影名字玷污他们的宗教。世界印度教协会主席曾要求导 演卡梅隆做出声明,澄清这部3D科幻影片的名字与印度教及其信仰毫无任何关系,重名只是一个巧合。在网络时代,avatar又有了一个新的意思——个人在网络虚拟环境中的化身,即代表用户形象的图像,即常说的“头像”或“个人秀”。

03 Ratatouille


Ratatouille,来自法语,是一道源于尼斯 (Nice) 的法式名菜“普罗旺斯杂烩”,其实就是蔬菜杂烩。先把各种蔬菜炖煮,再放进烤箱里烤即可。这部电影讲述的是一只小老鼠Remy,梦想成为大厨。机缘巧合下,他来到了厨神餐厅,帮助学徒Linguini做出一道又一道精美大餐,最后烹制出全巴黎最棒的普罗旺斯焖菜。电影中这道菜做法不难,大家也可以试做看看!

04 The Pursuit of Happyness


影片中提到了《独立宣言》,片名引用了《独立宣言》的语句。We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. ——《独立宣言》

仔细看看片名,有个拼写错误的单词。happiness才正确的拼写。这与影片中一个场景有关。Chris (克里斯)看到墙上涂鸦中有一个单词拼写错误,他说了这句话:There is no y in happiness. It's an I (幸福没有为什么,幸福是靠自己创造的。)

05 Coco


这部影片原片名是Coco,Coco是小男孩米格尔(Miguel)的曾祖母的名字。影片讲述了自小梦想成为音乐家的小男孩米格尔(Miguel),与落魄乐手海克特在神秘世界相遇,开启了一段奇妙的冒险旅程。看似主角是米格尔,但Coco贯穿了整个影片。影片中Coco是唯一一个记得父亲埃克托的人,是唯一知道片中的歌曲Remember Me意义的人,Coco是过去与未来,亡灵界与人间,回忆与现实之间最重要的连接点,代表着亲情,这大概也是电影想表达的主题。




The Goose That Laid The Golden Eggs

A Man and his Wife had the good fortune to possess a Goose which laid a

Golden Egg everyday. Lucky though they were, they soon began to think they

were not getting rich fast enough, and, imagining the bird must be made of gold

inside, they decided to kill it in order to secure the whole store of precious metal

at once. But when they cut it open they found it was just like any other goose.

Thus, they neither got rich all at once, as they had hoped, nor enjoyed any longer

the daily addition to their wealth.

Much wants more and loses all.



一个男人和他的妻子有幸拥有一只每天下金蛋的鹅。尽管他们很幸运,但他们很快就开始认为他们变富还不够快。并且,他们想象着这只鹅的内部一定是金子做的,于是他们决定杀鹅取金。 但是当他们把鹅切开时才发现,这只鹅和其他的鹅一样。于是,他们既没有像他们希望的那样一下子发家致富,他们的财富也不再增加。



  • good fortune 好运,福分
  • possess v. 拥有,具有
  • secure v. 获得,实现
  • store n. 储存,储备
  • neither ... nor 既不......也不
  • 巩固练习

    The Goose That Laid The Golden Eggs

    A Man and his Wife had the ________ to _____ a Goose which laid a Golden Egg

    everyday. Lucky though they were, they soon began to think they were not

    getting rich fast enough, and, imagining the bird must be made of gold inside,

    they decided to kill it in order to ________ the whole ______ of precious metal at

    once. But when they cut it open they found it was just like any other goose. Thus,

    they ______ got rich all at once, as they had hoped, _______ enjoyed any longer

    the daily addition to their wealth.

    Much wants more and loses all.



    Baby frogs went on a picnic in the woods. Getting out of the pond for the first time, they sang merrily.


    Then, they found a cow grazing in a field. "Oh, my! What is that?" "It is huge!" All of them wondered what kind of animal it was. "Let's ask Daddy."


    They returned home in a hurry and shouted, "Daddy, we saw a strange animal." "What kind of animal was it?"


    "It had large horns on its head and its body was way bigger than you. Even if we all add up our power, we can not defeat that animal."


    The father was curious what the animal looked like. "Really? Was it bigger than my stomach?" "Yes. Much bigger than that!"


    The father frog blew up his stomach largely, "Well, now, I'm as big as the animal, right?" "No, you are as big as the animal's heel." The father puffed himself up deeply and blew up his stomach enormously.


    "How about now? Am I as big as the animal, huh?" "No, not even." Thinking he could not be outdone, the father frog puffed up his stomach even more.


    The father frog's stomach was blown up as big as he could get. Right at that very moment, the father frog's stomach burst with a bang.


    内容更新时间(UpDate): 2023年03月16日 星期四

    版权保护: 【本文标题和链接】英语故事的名字有哪些(英语故事的名称有哪些) http://www.youmengdaxiazuofa.net/longxia8/89435.html

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